Today has been a strange day. Not a bad day, just a day filled with a sequence of strange events.
Strange event number 1: I woke up from dreaming in Spanish this morning. I suppose that is not very strange considering that I live in a Spanish speaking country. However, it was strange because in my dream friends and family from home where speaking to me in Spanish. It is the first dream I’ve had in Spanish since arriving here in January. I take it as a sign that my Spanish is really coming along if my subconscious is confident enough to use it. I’ve recently been catching myself thinking in Spanish and talking in Spanish to people who speak English. Anyway, back to the strange events of today…
Strange event number 2: My host father ate breakfast with me today. Normally he is already working by the time I wake up. It was the first time I have ever eaten breakfast with him.
Strange event number 3: My host father was particularly chatty at breakfast this morning. He is such a sweet man, but doesn’t usually have much to say. However, this morning he was asking me questions and cracking jokes. It was the most talkative I have been at breakfast. I am not much of a morning person. Usually I prepare breakfast for myself and eat alone. Or, if my host mom is awake we are normally both too tired to communicate. Even so, I really enjoyed breakfast with Alejo this morning.
Strange event number 4: Today my director’s husband took us to school. This happens every once in a while when the milk truck is late. The strange part was the second I got into the car my director’s husband asked me about my new boyfriend and then giggled. Then my director and her daughter giggled. Clearly, they have information that I don’t have because as far as I know, I don’t have a new boyfriend. They didn’t tell me who they think my new boyfriend is, nor did they share any reasoning behind their thinking that I have a new boyfriend. I have spent all day thinking about my every move this past weekend and if trying to recount any situation that could have been misread by someone in the town. Ticos love gossip and if it is a slow gossip day they simply might make something up. Meaning that any male I had a conversation with this past weekend could be the mystery boyfriend my director’s husband is referring to.
Strange event number 5: All my students were well behaved today… even my first graders. Amazing, but so strange.
Strange event number 6: Fore the last mile of my trek home I rode the sugar cane tractor. This one is not so much strange as it is just different. I forgot to pack my shorts this morning in my book bag. March is the hottest month of the year in this part of Costa Rica, so walking in blue jeans was not pleasant. After the first two miles I was ready to collapse. When my cousin, the sugar cane tractor driver, offered me a lift, I couldn’t refuse. This was a somewhat terrifying experience because I stood on the side of the step of the tractor and held on to its frame. It was a bumpy ride and my arms got quite a work out holding me onto the side of the tractor. However, I was still very thankful for the ride.
Strange event number 7: I arrived home to find a man installing ceilings in my house! This is strange, but so very awesome! I am not sure why my host family has just now decided to install ceilings, but I couldn’t be happier about the decision. Ceilings won’t change the fact that I can still see into my host siblings’ room through the cracks in my walls, nor will it stop exhaust from eking through the floorboards and burning my nostrils. However, boxing in my room will surely help keep light out from other rooms while I am trying to sleep. It will be one less distraction to worry about when I am trying to get rest.
Strange event number 8: My host mom made me a pannini for my afternoon snack… with a pannini maker. I was not aware that we had a pannini maker, as I have never seen it used before. I am not complaining, a toasted sandwich was a nice surprise!
Strange event number 9: I managed to nap even with the noise of the drill installing the ceiling in the next room. Que Dicha! (How sweet)
Strange event number 10: I had about three minutes of hot water in the shower this afternoon. I think this means that the sun is so hot that it has baked the water pipes, giving me three minutes of hot water.
It sure has been an interesting day filled with surprises. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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